Al Wadleigh is a Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner practicing in Longmont, CO.
Al is deeply passionate about the Feldenkrais Method®. Over the 20 years of his work, he has practiced and studied thousands of Awareness Through Movement® lessons, taught nearly a thousand classes, and given thousands of private, Functional Integration® lessons.
Al has personally benefited from this work. He is convinced that had he not gotten into the Method that he would have a lot of physical problems and be in a great deal of pain. Fortunately, that is not the case. He is well and pursuing his dreams, and helping hundreds of other people do the same.
His background also includes an immersion in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), and Ericksonian Hypnosis and Psychotherapy. He has a great appreciation for the nuance of language which can be heard in his teaching and experienced through his lessons. Al has a strong belief that how we use words is just as important as how we move.
When he is not practicing the Feldenkrais Method, he is usually thinking about it. Al loves building, remodeling, and creating environments harmonious with nature. Best of all is hanging out with his wife, Sarah. Together they focus on health and well-being and greatly enjoy eating extraordinarily healthy and delicious food. They also enjoy the companionship of our dog Fred and cat known as Kitten-kittie.

Al Wadleigh
"Al personifies many qualities of a master teacher: patience, competence, empathy and strong communication skills. These skills can be experienced in each class that he teaches. Thank you, Al, for the joy that you bring to my life."
- Jean Rice, Retired Teacher