What happens in the brain as we age? How can we use the Feldenkrais lessons to continue to improve ourselves and do the things that are important to us in life? We each share our insights on how the Feldenkrais Method® can keep you moving and vital while aging.

Podcast Season 2
We discuss how Dr. Lisa Feldman Barrett’s books “How Emotions Are Made” and “7 1/2 Lessons about the Brain” confirm what Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais taught decades ago and offers a modern way to language what we do as Feldenkrais practitioners. We go into detail about how language creates an internal response in the speaker and
What is spontaneity? How do social constraints inhibit our spontaneity? Experience spontaneous changes through Feldenkrais® ATM Lessons. Discover how we develop responsiveness to our changing environment.
We talk about implicit memory, explicit memory, and re-evaluating memories to create a new present-day experience. We discuss childhood development and learning and how we build new memories while experiencing Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement® lessons.
We discuss the Feldenkrais Method referencing: sensing, thinking, moving, and feeling. We define what a “category of experience” is and create a category to build a new referential concept. We also consider the pleasure of an un-categorized sensory experience and what is the Weber-Fechner principle.
Learn to move from negative states into positive ones. Experience pleasant sensations of the present moment. Integrate feelings for more effortless flow from one state to another with the Feldenkrais Method.
We discuss the concept of Prediction Error Correction as Dr. Lisa Feldman Barrett presents it in her book, “How Emotions Are Made,” from subtle adjustments in our nervous system to errors that cause accidents. This process is an essential element in developmental learning and Feldenkrais lessons.
What is truth? We find a unique reality in the contact of the heels on the floor. We explore the idea of a body budget.
We consider the impact the restrictions of the pandemic have had on our brains and nervous systems. We discuss strategies to reduce stress from Zooming and computer use. Why is it “incorrect to correct” from Dr. Feldenkrais’s point of view? How do Feldenkrais lessons provide a better way to self-improve?